Blast Injury
The Celox applicator that I used was very easy. I actually primed the end of the barrel a little to make sure that it was not clogged. I inserted it about 2 inches into the wound and inserted all of its contents without any problems in about 1 second. The wound was a blast injury with some major distal bleeding. The laceration was about 7 inches in length and full thickness to the bone with major cavitation. One of the distal vessels in the leg was bleeding very badly and when I saw him he had on a tourniquet. The Celox was introduced with a bandage and the tourniquet was removed. There was no further bleeding from the wound. This was my first time using the new applicator and as I expected, it worked amazingly. The tube filled the wound deep and directly where I needed the Celox. Of course the Celox did an amazing job getting the bleeding under control and made the patient more stable, manageable and was a life saving intervention
J.S – Navy Seals Medic