Celox sponsor Meditech Global ambulances at BTCC

16th March 2016

We’ve teamed up with Meditech Global to sponsor the ambulance crews during the 2016 BTCC (British Touring Car Championship). The British Touring Car Championship or BTCC is a motor racing championship for production-based touring cars held across England and Scotland. The BTCC features a mix of professional motor racing teams and privately...

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European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2015

22nd October 2015

The details of the new European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2015 have been formally announced at the Resuscitation Today Conference. The conference was part of the Life Connections exhibition at the Kettering Conference Centre in the UK which focused on new guidelines for treating penerating trauma injuries with Celox Haemostatic dressings....

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External Hemorrhage Control – Evidence Based Pre-hospital Guidelines

23rd October 2014

External hemorrhage is recognized as one of the main causes of potential preventable death following severe injury but the choice of treatment and what first aid kit to carry can be confusing for law enforcement and other emergency services. Lessons learned from the military on external hemorrhage control are beginning...

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New protocol for catastrophic bleeding

6th August 2013

This flow chart summarises the treatment of catastrophic bleeding.  It is reproduced from the UK Ambulance Services Clinical Practice Guidelines 2013 (JRCALCs). This is the new protocol for catastrophic bleeding in adults and there is a similar flow chart for children. In the diagram there are specific guidelines on when it is appropriate to...

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