CELOX™ First Aid Granules


Product and Ordering Details

CELOX™ 2g Granules Bulk pack – 200 packsProduct Code: FG08830441

Accidents happen. Injuries happen. CELOX™ works.

Stop bleeding from minor cuts, lacerations and abrasions at home, at work, for leisure, for travel. Be prepared with CELOX™ First Aid Granules.

CELOX™ Granules are large flaky granules contained in sterile pouches that are small, flat, lightweight and easy to store and carry.

At home or on the go

Accidents always happen at the worst times but CELOX™ First Aid can help to get control of bleeding injuries. FDA cleared, CELOX™ Granules work fast to stop bleeding from minor cuts, lacerations and abrasions. Lightweight, compact and affordable – perfect for the kitchen, at the workbench, sports, hobbies, camping and whenever you are on the move.

Taking Blood thinners?

Use of blood-thinning drugs is on the rise in the US, nearly 28 million prescriptions for blood thinning medications were filled by pharmacists in 2007.25 Blood thinners or anticoagulant drugs are vital in preventing strokes or blood clots forming in the veins or arteries because of an abnormal heartbeat (atrial fibrillation). However, anticoagulant drugs can pose problems when even a minor bleed occurs. Stopping the bleeding can be a challenge even for an experienced professional but not with CELOX™ First Aid Granules. CELOX™ Haemostatic Granules stop bleeding even in blood that contains the blood-thinning drugs Coumadin, Warfarin or Heparin.

Easy to Use

To use – tear it open, pour it on, cover and apply pressure. It’s that simple! CELOX™ Granules easily wash away with water or saline. CELOX™ Granules are completely bio-compatible and bio-absorbable. Any remaining granules are safely, naturally absorbed by the body


25. https://archive.ahrq.gov/news/newsletters/research-activities/jan10/0110RA1.html Accessed 13 Feb. 2017

Ordering Information

Product and Ordering Details

CELOX™ 2g Granules Bulk pack – 200 packsProduct Code: FG08830441

Specific information on product intended use, warnings, precautions and contraindications, can be found on Instructions For Use.

For details on how to order or for more product information, click the button below:

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