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12th Jun 2015
June 12 2015
For information on Medtrade and CELOX™Contact Chris Marsden at Medtrade +44 1270 500 019 and For information on Trauma Training for Journalists Contact Neal Jackson +1 202 365 4070
Journalists in hazardous areas get life-preserving skills and equipment, with donation of latest CELOXTM blood-stopping bandages.
Journalists around the world in conflict and disaster areas are at risk every day from deliberate or accidental harm as they bring us the latest news from the source. Non-profit organization Trauma Training for Journalists (TTJ) strive to make sure these journalists have the highest level of training for their own safety. A recent donation of CELOX™ Rapid Gauze for training and first aid kits will help to ensure this safety as they continue dangerous but important work. CELOX™ Rapid can stop severe bleeding with just one minute of pressure on a potentially lethal injury and is the latest version of the CELOX™ gauze used by the British and other military forces.
In TTJ’s latest course, eighteen local journalists received training in Beirut over four days, including treatment for gunshot wounds, explosions, fractures and skills such as safe evacuation. All the trainees also received a personal first aid kit to use after the course. Some of the surplus training materials immediately travelled with one of the trainers for use in the recovery from the Nepal earthquake.
The CELOX™ products were donated to TTJ by the manufacturer, Medtrade Products, Ltd.. “We are delighted to receive this generous product donation sponsorship of CELOX products for use in our training,” said Neal Jackson, Executive Director of TTJ. “As an organization relying exclusively on charitable donations and volunteering professionals, such a sponsorship is particularly valuable. Having the latest technology in the individual first aid kits which we give local journalists completing our course provides extra support for these vulnerable personnel.”
Chris Marsden, Medtrade’s Head of Marketing for Trauma added “It is our pleasure to support TTJ, which focuses on local journalists who are often working in support of international news organizations but are in the greatest danger in these hazardous environments. Our CELOX™ Rapid gauzes can allow treatment of hemorrhaging that stops bleeding in less than half of the time of conventional hemostatic agents. That additional time can be life-saving for these personnel.”
TTJ is a non-profit collective of international journalists founded principally to provide medical and safety training to local journalists around the world. Local journalists include “fixers” (who provide logistical support and fact-gathering services to international journalists) and translators, as well as reporters, photographers and videojournalists who report for local media in foreign locations. These local journalists are at the greatest risk of death or injury, according to leading journalist advocacy organizations. TTJ’s training is conducted by volunteer medical doctors and professionally trained personnel (such as former military combat medics and emergency medical technicians).
Founded in 1999, Medtrade is a dynamic, independent, medical device developer and ISO 13485 certified manufacturer with a successful legacy of providing cutting edge advanced woundcare products, such as CELOX™, to brand owners. Medtrade combines expertise in materials sciences with experience in the regulations and manufacturing requirements to turn good ideas into great treatments.