Latest News

20th May 2013

Welcome to the first Celoxmedical blog and to our new website – the home of information for the Celox range of haemostatic agents. 

The new site is aimed at everyone who may have to deal with bleeding injuries, but primarily at those who may have to deal with serious injuries as part of their vocation.  

In the coming months we will be sharing our thoughts and opinions on news and developments in this field, including wound care management, remote medicine healthcare, emergency response, first aid and other areas related to Celox.

As you look around the site you will notice we have designed it so you can access information about the product quickly and easily, including:

  • Specialist area information in “Users” menu.
  • Testing, clinical results in “Celox in Action” menu.
  • Training information under “Resources”.

We recommend you sign up to our newsletter in order to get regular news updates about trauma in general, haemorrhage and Celox in particular.  We will also be putting conference updates, links to training organisations and other useful recommendations on the ‘Celox in Action’ menu. 

The site has been divided into three regions (US, Europe and international) so that you can see the right information for your area.  If you think you have strayed… the small globe icon at the foot of every page tells you where you are and you can click on it to change.

With the launch of our new website we are also embracing the growing engagement with social media platforms. Over the last few years Twitter has empowered patients and end-users of products to spread their views and opinions across the globe and drive traffic across the web, whilst also offering companies the opportunity to spread news in bite-sized updates.  

Look out for the @CeloxHaemostat Twitter account for the fastest and most immediate updates about Celox. And don’t forget to look out for us on YouTube and Google+.

Finally, if there is any information you would like to see here, please get in touch via the Contact Us icons or menu links that are on every page, we would love to hear from you and what you need from the website.

Meanwhile…. welcome to the site and we hope you find it useful.

The Celox Team 

New Celox Website

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Made To Save Lives

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Medtrade Products Ltd,
Electra House, Crewe Business Park,


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101 Avenue of the Americas,
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New York, USA,
NY 10013

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