11th September 2015
DSEI is the world’s largest fully integrated defence and security show, spanning air, naval, land and security sectors. It takes over the ExCeL site in London’s historic docklands area every two years. DSEI brings together the defence and security industry to enjoy an exhibition and seminars about the latest equipment...
12th June 2015
June 12 2015 For information on Medtrade and CELOX™Contact Chris Marsden at Medtrade +44 1270 500 019 and For information on Trauma Training for Journalists Contact Neal Jackson +1 202 365 4070 Journalists in hazardous areas get life-preserving skills and equipment, with donation of latest CELOXTM blood-stopping bandages. Journalists...
14th April 2015
Medtrade Products, Ltd, makers of Celox™ Advanced hemostatic agents and dressings and the FoxSeal™ chest seal, today announced they have appointed their Seattle based subsidiary, Medtrade Biopolymers Corp. to provide direct sales and technical support to customers and distributors. At the same time, Medtrade Products, Ltd have increased the number...
13th January 2015
Acute traumatic coagulopathy (ATC) is an impairment of hemostasis that occurs early after injury and is associated with a 4-fold higher mortality, increased transfusion requirements and organ failure. This post is based mostly on reading a recent book chapter: “Periperative Hemostasis in Trauma”* Research has shown that a severe...
22nd December 2014
The US CoTCCC (US Committee on Combat Casualty Care) have published the decision to include Celox Gauze in their guidelines and you can read it in the Journal of Special Operations Medicine (1). The article also includes an extensive 14 page review of the background to the change. Here they explain the...
23rd October 2014
External hemorrhage is recognized as one of the main causes of potential preventable death following severe injury but the choice of treatment and what first aid kit to carry can be confusing for law enforcement and other emergency services. Lessons learned from the military on external hemorrhage control are beginning...
14th April 2014
The US military are adopting new technologies to save soldiers’ lives on the battlefield, with the approval of a bandage that can stop catastrophic arterial bleeding in three minutes. The Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC), which is responsible for recommending the frontline medic training and equipment for all...
15th January 2014
Lessons learned from treating trauma casualties in Iraq & Afghanistan The Trauma Innovation conference is under way in London and on day 1 we attended a workshop on lessons learned from treating trauma casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan and how to make sure those lessons will not be lost. The panel were concerned that...
13th August 2013
For this latest Celox blog, we have invited Katherine Wills, author of Outdoor First Aid, to give her thoughts on Celox and why it played an important role in her book. When I initially started teaching outdoor first aid I wanted to give my candidates a reading list which would...
6th August 2013
This flow chart summarises the treatment of catastrophic bleeding. It is reproduced from the UK Ambulance Services Clinical Practice Guidelines 2013 (JRCALCs). This is the new protocol for catastrophic bleeding in adults and there is a similar flow chart for children. In the diagram there are specific guidelines on when it is appropriate to...
19th July 2013
In this Celox blog post, we’re exploring the challenge of the ‘Lethal Triad ’… When experiencing a trauma, severe blood loss can quickly lead to the victim becoming hypothermic, regardless of the temperature. The Lethal Triad represents a potentially fatal challenge in trauma, causing organ damage and complications in treating...
25th June 2013
Press Release – Tuesday 25th June 2013 MedTrade Products Ltd, developers of a range of advanced wound care products, is delighted to announce the European launch of Celox™ Rapid. The fastest haemostat on the market, Celox™ Rapid has been developed with unique, patented technology, in response to the real...
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Email: info@celoxmedical.com
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