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30th Jun 2017

Could your wife or husband save you from an assassination attempt?  A surgeon in Ukraine had to do just that when faced with an assassin masquerading as a journalist.  The attacker had gained the confidence of Ms Okuyeva and her husband, Mr Osmayev before turning…

‘As the couple sat in the back seat of the car, Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev said, “‘Now, here is your gift,’” Ms. Okuyeva said. He opened the box, pulled out a gun and opened fire on Mr. Osmayev.’

Ms Okuyeva’s reaction?  To draw her gun and fire right back at the attacker before reaching into her bag for the Celox to treat her husband.  Her actions could have been from the training manual: first deal with the threat, then treat any major haemorrhage as the first priority to prevent a death.
The NY Times reported on the case, revealing the attacker to be a fake journalist posing as a reporter from Le Monde.  We’ve heard of fake news, it turns out fake journalists can be even more dangerous.

How to save your husband from an assassin

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