CELOX™ Granules


Product and Ordering Details

CELOX 5oz15(g) Haemostatic GranulesProduct Code: FG08830551

Proven hAemostatic control.

CELOX™ Granules can stop severe bleeding fast6.

  • Works independent of the clotting cascade9.
  • Significantly reduces blood loss2
  • Treats irregularly shaped wounds and multiple injuries1
  • Easy to use and remove3
  • Successful hemostasis with the use of CELOX Granules was observed in 100% (21) of patients1
  • Improve coagulation in anticoagulated blood4

CELOX™ has been proven to work on moderate to severe bleeding and has been extensively tested. In an independent trial, when compared to Quikclot* and gauze, CELOX™ was the only product to give 100% survival and was also the only product to give robust clotting with no rebleeding5.

The CELOX™ Granules mould to the shape of the wound to get firm pressure on to the source of the bleeding even in complex shaped injuries4.

CELOX™ has also been extensively safety tested, produces no heat and is non-allergenic7.  The product is not minerals based and residual chitosan material breaks down in the body8, making CELOX™ the safe, proven choice.

CELOX™ granules are available in a 15g sachet for situations where every gram of weight saved is vital, still with enough material to treat a severe injury.


1. Pozza M, Millner RW. CELOX (chitosan) for haemostasis in massive traumatic bleeding: experience in Afghanistan. Eur J Emerg Med. 2011;18(1):31–3. doi: 10.1097.

2. Kozen B et al. An Alternative Hemostatic Dressing: Comparison of CELOX, HemCon and QuikClot. Acad Emer Med. 2008; 15:74-81. (in-vivo)

3. Tan ECTH, Bleeker CP.: Field experience with a chitosan-based hemostatic dressing. MCI Forum 3(4): 11-15, 2011. (Clinical) .

4. Bar J, David A, Khader T, Mulcare M, Tedeschi C. Assessing coagulation by rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) in rivaroxaban- anticoagulated blood using hemostatic agentss. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2017;32(5):580-587.

5. Kozen B et al. An Alternative Haemostatic Dressing: Comparison of CELOX, HemCon and QuikClot. Acad Emer Med. 2008; 15:74-81.

6. Hoggarth A, et al. Mechanism of action of a rapid-acting gauze hemostat. Poster presentation at ATACCC 2011, Fort Lauderdale, FL (In-vitro).

7. Contains chitosan from shellfish – allergy studies show no adverse reactions – data on file.

8. Aiba S. Studies on chitosan: 4. Lysozymic hydrolysis of partially N-acetylated chitosans. Int J Biol Macromol 1992 vol 14, August.

9. Medtrade data on file (In-vivo and In-vitro).

Ordering Information

Product and Ordering Details

CELOX 5oz15(g) Haemostatic GranulesProduct Code: FG08830551

Specific information on product intended use, warnings, precautions and contraindications, can be found on Instructions For Use.

For details on how to order or for more product information, click the button below:

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Made To Save Lives

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101 Avenue of the Americas,
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New York, USA,
NY 10013

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